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County approves $100,000 for Workforce Housing pilot project:

Commissioner Kern questions agenda deletion in interests of transparency

by Sharon Niederman
RATON —  Following a presentation by Monica Abeita, director of North Central Economic Development District, the Colfax County Commission at the Sept 12, 2023 meeting approved spending $100,000 for seed money to kick off a pilot project to develop workforce housing in Colfax County, contingent on North Central receiving an anticipated grant to cover expenses.  The project, known as “Restoring Our Communities” would involve the purchase of unoccupied property that would be rehabilitated and flipped, to be sold at a price affordable to a government worker, teacher, or other working person. Abeita said Colfax County, most likely Raton, is the most feasible location as the disparity between salary and real estate prices is more affordable than in Taos, Angel Fire, or other communities. The property might not be sold at a profit, as there are income guidelines in place as to who may purchase it.

Commission Expense Transparency
In her docket report, Commissioner Mary Lou Kern questioned why a routine item, the approval of county expenses, has been deleted from the agenda since the meeting of June 16. Since the FY23-24 budget was approved, the commission need not approve expenses, she was told. Nonetheless, Kern persisted in calling out this “lack of transparency” saying it was for the public’s benefit to know how their money was being spent.
County manager Monte Gore said the item was deleted because of “conflicts.”

The commission was not notified of the change in process, and that expenses were available for viewing on “the portal.” This portal is not available for public viewing, except at limited times. Commissioner Bret Wier said “we need to go back to approving expenses” in open meeting.

When asked the following purely informational questions
1. How is the agenda of County Commission meetings determined?
2. Why was approval of expenses deleted as an agenda item?
3. By what process was this deletion determined?
4. Why were commissioners not notified of the deletion process and ways they could gather information re: expenses?
5. When was the agenda item deleted ? As I recall, it has been a standard for at least the three years I have covered County Commission.
6. Exactly when is “the portal” visible to the public?
7. Why is “the portal” not visible to the public at all times?
8. What exactly is “the portal?”
9. What is state law/regulation regarding public notification of county commission expenses?

County Manager Monte Gore responded “Your inquires are related to pending legal issues and request me to provide a legal opinion. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on your inquiries.”

In other business, the commission approved Wireless Towers Solutions’ method of application procedure for wireless towers permits to be paid for by the applicants. Advanced Air, LLC was approved as the Angel Fire Air carrier contingent on grant approval.

A contract between Colfax and San Miguel counties to increase the inmate confinement rate to $99.75 per night at the Vigil Moldonado detention center.

No action was taken on the presentation by Mike Provine of Molzen Corbin regarding the upgrade of Event Center bathrooms.

In an attempt to begin ameliorating the county trash problem, the Commission approved a $12,616.64 proposal to construct a metal pole fence at Black Lake. Subsequently, a $12,700 increase in trash removal funds was approved. In his docket report Commission Chairman Si Trujillo requested the county pursue other vendors as “it is time we take action” in this “continuing debacle.” Also, he requested Tri-State come to the county to pick up their check, rather than having it mailed.

An Memorandum of Understanding between the NM Secretary of State’s office and Colfax County was passed for $25,000 to offset 2023 election costs, although the state of NM pays most election expenses. A total of 62 people are running, said County Clerk Rayetta Trujillo.