by Ruth Stodghill

CIMARRON —  The Cimarron School Board was off to an early start in its annual audit process during its June 19 board meeting, with Scott Eliason from the Jaramillo Accounting Group holding an audit entrance conference with the board in accordance with state audit rules. 

With the school district’s fiscal year set to close on July 1, Jaramillo said he would be working with the district’s accounting staff to document and test the internal control structure within the district, update documentation, and run tests for compliance with state accounting laws and regulations.

“One of the things we’ll do is look at the prior year’s findings. Have they been cleared? Have they not been cleared?” said Eliason.

Once the books are closed out for the current fiscal year, the district will work with Eliason in September to complete testing of account balances. Following an exit conference, the accounting firm will then submit the completed audit to the state for review. 

Roof repairs and playground upgrades

The board discussed possibilities for construction projects under Phase 3 of the district’s bond, with repairs to the roof of the Eagle Nest Elementary/Middle School the number one priority due to a history of leaks. 

According to Superintendent Shannon Aguilar, the estimate for these roof repairs was $400,000. Since this roof repair would eat up a large chunk of the $1.25 million available from the bond disbursement, Aguilar said that a good option for a second project would be renovations to the school’s playground.

With a number of projects and items on the punch-list from Phase 2 of the bond still uncompleted, Aguilar said she requested a meeting with the construction firm contracted with the district, but as of yet she has not received a response. 

“What’s not going to be acceptable is them not returning calls or not coming to fix things they should have fixed a year ago,” said Board president Kimberly Valenzuela. “That’s part of having an upstanding company.” 

The board unanimously approved Aguilar’s plan for Phase 3 of the district’s renovation projects. 

In other business

The board heard an update regarding the Eagle Nest Learning Community, including recent greenhouse, fish hatchery, and pollution-free stove projects.

In her report, Aguilar said the district received interest in early childcare programming from the families of 23 prospective students, including 13 infants and nine 2-3 year olds. The next step for implementing the program would be a building inspection to determine if the program could start with smoke detectors in place, or if the program must be put on hold until a smoke alarm system was installed.  

Summer cleanup and maintenance was well underway throughout the district, including several unused portable buildings which were recently sold and transported off district property. 

The school board reviewed its norms and discussed a goal of keeping at least 50% of the board’s agendas student-outcome focused. 

The board also discussed the regional board meeting, which the Cimarron School District will host in October. 

The board also approved the following items:

  • An InBank Letter of Change

  • Second readings for updated district policies regarding sick, personal, emergency, and religious leave for professional and support staff; student interrogations, searches, and arrests; and health and safety 

The board met in executive session to discuss the disposition of the Black Lake, Gila, Post Office, and North Lake subdivision properties.