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Board votes to increase Ex officio membership

WALSENBURG — The Huerfano County Hospital District Board of Directors voted at their June meeting to increase their membership by two, ex officio (non voting) members, to increase physician participation with the board. Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center CEO Todd Oberheu and Spanish Peaks Veterans Community Living Center Administrator Marty Schlink are currently both Ex officio members to the board of directors. “I support this,” Oberheu said at the June 26 meeting, “physicians are leading advocates for quality programs.” The motion was brought forward by board vice chairman Al Tucker, and passed unanimously. It is expected Dr. Mike Moll and SPRHC Chief of Staff Dr. Thomas Hoffeld will be invited to take those positions. In other new business, Tucker volunteered to lead a long-term vision and strategic planning committee that will looking into a five-year plan to move the hospital and nursing home forward in the coming years. Carrie Andreatta presented the monthly department manager’s report, talking about issues in a variety of

areas including infection control, employee health benefits, worker’s compensation, risk management, discharge planning and quality improvement. She presented information on the post-hospital stay survey patients are given and asked to fill out and how survey results are utilized in quality improvement for both facilities. She has developed a spread sheet that will assist care givers in both the hospital and nursing home to identify areas that are doing well, and those that need additional attention. Implementation and getting used to the time constraints incurred with the electronic medical records system continues to be a topic of discussion with the district’s board of directors. So much data needs to be entered into the system for each patient and the service provided, physicians, for the most part are seeing fewer patients on a daily basis. Administration continues to work to solve any time delays and to streamline the system as much as may be allowed. Oberheu said Healthland (the EMRs provider) sent two specialists to work with clinic and provider staff to identify and resolve many issues the facilities have experienced. Oberheu said in his written report to the board, “During my exit interview with Healthland personnel, they were extremely complimentary of the staff at the clinic and Dr. Mike Moll for their commitment and professionalism during their visit.” The board passed a resolution naming Dr. Paul Coe as a co-signature on all accounts due to his position as board treasurer. Oberheu reported on the purchase of the former Dr. Cluff medical office on S. Oak Street in La Veta. This building will be the new home of the La Veta Clinic and work on the interior of the building was slated to begin this past weekend. The move into that building is expected to be completed by mid-summer. Spanish Peaks Veterans Community Living Center (new facility name) Administrator Marty Schlink reported the nursing home has received the Bronze National Quality Award, noting, “We are one of ten homes in Colorado award this for 2014. This award is due to our ‘Commitment to Quality of Life’ as designated by American Health Care Association.” She also reported in -house work continues associated with the facility name change that takes effect officially in August. Schlink also reported a grant request from the Colorado State Veterans Trust Fund for $16,850 has been approved. The grant money will be used for video monitors that will be placed in various common areas of the nursing home to ensure security and safety for residents. There was also a lighter side to the meeting as Schlink said, “An entertaining and profitable fundraiser for Relay for Life, the ‘Style Show’ utilizing our male staff and community members, took place on June 25.” The event was held in the dining room at the nursing home and was well attended and provided a good laugh and many photo opportunities for those attending.

Huerfano Fire in tumult

Flurry of resignations, including chief and two board members, follow April’s apparently contentious meeting of the board WALSENBURG — The recent tumult at the Huerfano

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