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There’s a new Marshal in town… not!

LA VETA — After a brief executive session on Tuesday night, the La Veta Town Board voted to postpone the start date of Jim Chamberlain as the town’s new deputy marshal for eight weeks or more. Apparently Chamberlain suffered a broken foot this past weekend while working on the family ranch. The board voted to allow Chamberlain eight weeks to get back on his feet, or rather on his foot, before starting his new position. This start date will require the approval of his primary physician. It is possible the job offer could be rescinded after eight weeks, but the board will wait until then to revisit the topic. A public hearing was held prior to the formal board session to review a request by Lisa Northup for a re-development permit for her property just west of Main Street on Francisco Street. No comments were received either pro or con and the request was approved allowing Northup to install a one chair beauty salon operation. Previously the board had approved a real estate and professional office at the same location. Mark Hornberger, project representative for GMS Engineering, provided the board with an update on the sewer

improvement project, stating “The project is pretty much on schedule, as we are at 40% complete and we should be done by the September 9, deadline.” Hornberger noted the project spending is almost equal to the work that has been done. Only one bid was submitted to paint the town hall, but the contractor had not completed the required walk through. The board decided not to open the bid and to require the walk through be completed. The contractor will then be allowed to modify the bid, if needed. Similarly, only one bid was submitted for the repairs to the roof of the town maintenance building. The two part bid came in at $4,500 for the roof repair plus $3,500 for gutters and downspouts. However, the bid did not address the need for snow jacks and when they would be installed. The board voted to accept the roof repair but will wait for more information on the second part before voting on that parcel. Mickey Schmidt, representing the Feed Store Church, approached the board with a request for a variance related to a new sign for the church. The church wants to place their proposed sign 15 feet from the setback rather than the required 25 foot setback. The board set a public hearing for July 7, at 6:45 p.m. to review this request. The board then discussed the issue of fogging for mosquitos in town, with Mayor Doug Brgoch noting, “We have had many complaints come into town hall about the mosquitos.” Town trustee Chip Kraynyk voiced concerns about the toxicity of the chemical used and its effects on human health, bees, and birds, saying, “We should not take this lightly. Is this a health issue or a nuisance issue?” A lengthy discussion ensued, with the board agreeing to ask for citizen input and will then revisit the issue.


Part of the What Do You Know About That series SPAIN —  For much of our human history, we’ve been doing our best to bash

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