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This week in history for November 26, 2014

Walsenburg 1876: The new state legislature contains 17 merchants, 14 miners, 13 stockraisers, 9 lawyers, 8 farmers, 2 surveyors, 2 capitalists, and one each editor, railroad official, abstract attorney, contractor, miller, physician, hotel keeper and interpreter. 1882: The miners at the coal banks west of town will give a grand ball tomorrow night for the benefit of Mrs. William Holmes, whose husband was killed by the [mine] cars a few months ago. Tickets, including supper, per couple, are $1.50. 1890: The Rouse mine in is receipt of a new 24,000 pound air compressor and all that remains to do is place it on its foundation. 1898: Died, Thomas Tolmiche, 77, of Rouse. He was born in Turkey of Italian and Austrian parentage but has been a resident of this country since 1849. As a member of the U.S. Army, he fought in the Civil War and later in the Indian campaigns. 1905: Lew Read of the Spanish Peaks brought in a load of turkeys for Furman and Devaney’s meat market and George Caldwell brought in about 40 from Gardner. 1913: Birm Klein has fixed up a neat little bar and billiard room in the new addition to the Klein Hotel. 1920: The new bridge across the Cucharas on South Main is nearing completion, replacing the old curve and bridge which was an eyesore. 1927: Three hundred and ninety-three diggers are at work in the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company mines in Huerfano County despite the strike. 1933: Poultry men of Huerfano County met in the court room at the court house this week and formed the Huerfano County Poultry Association and elected J.R. Whitlow president. 1939: Coal miners are now receiving 90.3 cents per hour, a new high. 1945: Housewives should keep in mind that the sugar coupons issued for this year’s canning and preserving will expire Nov. 30. 1952: Enjoy Thanksgiving at The Spudnut Café, Serving Turkey, Dressing, Gravy, Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Vegetables, Pumpkin Pie and Coffee, All For Just $1.50. 1958: An investigation was launched to determine the cause of the Nov. 26 collision in the Walsenburg rail yards between a Colorado and Southern Texas Zephyr and a Denver and Rio Grande freight train. 1964: Seven and a half inches of snow containing .75 of an inch in moisture fell in Walsenburg to bring the total snowfall since Sept. 1 to 13½ inches. 1970: A threatened policemen’s walkout was averted before the deadline Friday when the group formed a local union that morning. 1977: The old open Holita Ditch through west Walsenburg is nearly gone as the project continues to enclose the waterway in a 36 inch pipeline. 1983: Died, Sabino Archuleta, 90. He was appointed county commissioner when his father Jose Guadalupe Archuleta died in office. He then served for 27 years. 1989: The new Club Rio will be open Thanksgiving Day serving Prime Rib, Duckling, Turkey or Baked Ham Cerise. 1995: Receiving all As at John Mall High School were freshmen Sarena Mapes and Tamara Valdes, and juniors Chad Hribar, Heather Crump and Alana Mace.

La Veta 1881: Edward G. Berry was paid $20.00 for labor for repairing the Front Street bridge and David D. Ryus was paid $7.78 for the lumber and materials used. 1889: J.G. Hamilton was found to be elected county commissioner for this district and Henry Daigre of La Veta is county judge. Both are Democrats. 1895: There is a movement to get a general warehouse near the tracks to store hay, grain and potatoes for several merchants. They plan a stone structure of about 80 by 120 feet with a basement. 1901: Alex Young has expanded his barbershop to include three chairs. Business in this line has been good. 1907: The San Luis Valley News is the name of a new newspaper which has been started at Fort Garland. 1914: Mr. Chavez, an uncle of Felix Mestas, was found dead on Silver Mountain, evidently crushed when his dugout collapsed. 1921: Martial law is in effect here but people seem to be very much mystified over the affair as, except for the trouble at Oakview a short time ago, everything seems quiet. 1928: Leonard Clark has gone over to Grayback to help clean out the old tunnel of the Magnolia claim with an eye to reopening the mine. 1934: The first snow of the season arrived the evening of the 20th and about four inches of the wet stuff lay on the ground the next morning. It was our first moisture for so long the one before it has passed out of memory. 1941: The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad has requested from residents any local historic information dealing with the railroad including maps, pictures, pamphlets or old booklets, diaries, timetables, stories, clippings or any other material from the old days. 1947: The Spanish Peaks Trout Company has been incorporated to raise fish to stock creeks and lakes in the Walsenburg and La Veta areas. 1952: The snow storm was accompanied by temperatures ranging from 12 to 14 degrees below zero. 1959: For the first time in history, the town of La Veta has a state championship football team, after the Redskins defeated Weldon Valley High 32-12 in La Veta. Fred Sanchez scored three touchdowns and Wayne Kreutzer intercepted a pass and scored one. 1965: The La Veta Redskins fell to undefeated Hugo 33-14 Saturday in the state semi-finals. 1971: Science teacher Tom Verquer took his ninth grade students to Adams State College to see the planetarium. 1976: A special Thanksgiving Mass will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday evening in Christ the King Church. 1982: The Thanksgiving Day traditional dinner at The Timbers will include live entertainment in the newly opened Cockleburro Lounge. 1988: Gary and Shawn Bridges say they will not reopen their Mountain Market at Cuchara Valley Resort this season but the other shops will open next week. 1994: Gas prices locally have dropped about five cents per gallon in the past three months and now average about $1.29 to $1.46.

Huerfano Fire in tumult

Flurry of resignations, including chief and two board members, follow April’s apparently contentious meeting of the board WALSENBURG — The recent tumult at the Huerfano

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