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County Airport Advisory Committee dissolved

by Sharon Niederman
COLFAX —  Following an emotional public hearing and commission discussion, the Colfax County Commission voted 2-1 to disband the advisory committee for the Colfax County airport during the public meeting of Dec. 12, 2023.
County Manager Monte Gore stood firmly on the side of dissolution, preferring to “get professionals involved to move the airport forward” and eliminate the “toxicity” of the advisory committee. “I will do a hard right rather than an easy wrong,” he said.  Issues raised by the FAA audit had been solved, he said, although several citizens claimed that was a limited view of the airport’s needs, and more citizen input was required.

Commissioner Mary Lou Kern voted to oppose the dissolution, explaining after the vote she was leery of the division the decision would exacerbate between Moreno Valley and Raton.  She used the words “bully action” and “cowardly” to describe its absence from the agenda until the last minute.”  She noted the airport was the “biggest piece” for economic growth in the county.

Angel Fire resident Dr. Jackie Boyd, citing her professional aviation credentials, said she has served on the committee since 2008 and asked who had decided the decision to disband was in the best interest of the county?  Several objections were raised due to the short-to-nonexistent public notice of this agenda item. “No one knew about this,” she said. “Who made the decision?”

Jay Mitchell, another advisory committee member, cited his own expertise in aviation matters, and said, “the problems are in Raton. The airport was on the upswing three years ago.”  Cheryl Hansen claimed service was the issue, questioning whetherGore intended to hire a consultant or create a county employee to handle the airport.
County Commissioner Bret Wier, who represents Angel Fire, said he would not fight to retain the advisory committee, citing the committee had “belittled staff, attacked, and called member of the county ‘Nazis,’ as well as claiming “the airport needs to fail.” “It’s time for a different approach,” he said, acknowledging he anticipated receiving negative feedback for his vote from constituents.

Commission Chairman Si Trujillo noted it was possible to bring the advisory committee back some time in the future.
In a special meeting held prior to the regular meeting, the commission, with backup from Emergency Services Manager Tom Vigil, approved changes made to a telecommunications ordinance; however, Chairman Si Trujillo said the ordinance must be posted for at least 30 days before it can be voted on.

In other business, the commission voted to pay dues of $1238 to the Ports-to-Plains Alliance to secure a seat in the organization, looking ahead to the construction of I-27, a long-range plan of up to ten years.
Brandy Dietz, president of Grow Raton, requested $25,000 for expenses. A motion was made to postpone.
Following a plea from warden Regina Slade, Administrator of the Vigil-Maldonado Detention Center, the commission voted employees a pay raise to keep the positions competitive. The funds will come from funds collected through the housing of inmates from other counties. She said employees could now make more money working at McDonald’s and a pay raise was necessary to keep employees.

The commission approved a $177,200 bid from Rocky Road of Las Vegas to construct a temporary repair of the Chicorica Low Water Crossing.  It includes a fence, road, and other repairs, but does not include aggregate or gross receipts tax. It also approved grants to construct the reconstruction of the county airport lighting, funded by FAA and the state, as well as approximately $1 million to construct a hangar, with hopes the hangar will be built to complement the design of Angel Fire Resort.

County Manager Gore reported that plans for getting the jail accredited were moving ahead and he thanked warden Slade for her efforts in that direction.  He also reported on grants recently received by Colfax County, including: $940,000 for the Event Center; $1.2 million for airplane hangars; $250.000 for airport apron; and fire districts including $58,000 for Vermejo; $300,000 for Miami plus $39,000; $300,000 for Farley;$97,000 for Philmont, plus $84,000, for a total of around $2 million. He expressed appreciation for the county’s acquisition of the building that will house the County Clerk’s office.  The new building will offer more security, including bulletproof glass, while freeing up space in the county building, which is also slated for security upgrades.  Kern expressed the need for a contract with the pickleball players who are using the Event Center while emphasizing the need to be cognizant of the anti-donation clause.  And Wier requested a report on the solid waste situation as well as introducing the idea of moving the county in a five district organization, up from three.  Trujillo expressed his intent to request $100,000 for broadband.

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