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Walsenburg P & Z on hold with sign changes

by Larry Patrick
WALSENBURG- The Walsenburg Planning and Zoning board hoped it was moving forward quickly two weeks ago when it voted to adopt the International Zone Code for Signage and make amendments to fit local needs.
However last week during their regular meeting, Interim Administrator Don Saling said that the International Zone Code is a copyrighted document that allows for only minor changes. The committee had hoped there was flexibility built into that code, but Saling found out that was not the case when he talked with officials of the International Zoning Code.
Saling said there are parts of two pages of the International Sign Code that allow for minor changes, but he wasn’t sure those pages would include the changes Walsenburg is looking for. He hopes to know more specifics by the July 27 meeting. Only five of the nine P & Z members were present so Chairman John Carlson opted to not make any further decisions until Saling could do more research and the other members will be present.
Discussion centered on modifying the current Walsenburg sign code. Saling felt that setting up a special sign district for the Northlands area of Walsenburg could be done to allow for bigger signs at the I-25 area going south before coming over the hogback. Signs of 100 feet, for instance could be allowed there but not in the other parts of town.
Carlson agreed that the best thing for P & Z to do would be to give the Northlands area its own special sign district. But he wanted to make sure they were in compliance with the state. Again, Saling felt that refining the current ordinance and adding special sign districts could work. Dr. William Beverly, a P & Z board member, liked the idea, too.
The Planning & Zoning Board did not spend much time discussing other parts of the sign code, specifically off-premise signs. The P & Z board is meeting every two weeks to try and expedite changes to the sign code. Last week’s meeting was a temporary setback but progress is expected in future meetings.


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