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Two more charges filed against Boyd Gross

by Bill Knowles

WALSENBURG— Boyd Gross, who has been charged by the DA with the attempted murder of his wife, had two more charges amended to his case recently.  3rd Judicial District Court Judge Claude Appel granted the DA’s motions to add the charges to the case including assault in the first degree and serious bodily injury causing disfigurement.

    Defense objected to both motions attempting to show that photos and statements used to build the charges were not vetted properly or were not admissible because of the physical and psychological condition of the person making the statements at the time.  Judge Appel overrode both objections allowing the new charges to be entered.

    Jury summons for Gross’ trial have been sent out with trial date scheduled to start on Monday Nov. 18. 

    John Nathan Pino is facing a joining of charges stemming from a June 20, incident where he has been charged with four counts of harassment and two counts of felony menacing.  This will allow all charges to be tried in a single trial.  To join or joinder the charges they have to stem from the same schematic whole. 

    Pino’s defense objected to the joinder, arguing that the offenses are not interrelated.  Judge Claude Appel over ruled the objection saying that the cases cited by the defense were vague.  Pino’s trial is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 9. 


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