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One cent tax hike to be on ballot this fall

by Brian Orr

WALSENBURG- At the meeting between county, Walsenburg and La Veta government officials (CCT), County Administrator John Galusha said the county plans on putting a one cent tax increase measure on the November ballot.

    A similar measure on last November’s ballot just barely failed, which surprised officials, who frankly expected the tax increase to be trounced.  They’re hoping this time, if they better explain what the tax will be used for, and who will be paying it (primarily out-of-county visitors) the measure will pass and the county can afford to pay for a new 911 emergency system, which as Commissioner Art Bobian said; “it’s just a matter of time when the system will fail, not if.”

    The commissioners, still dreaming big, would like to see enough funding that they could hire extra dispatchers, so they’re not constantly working with skeleton crews putting in 12 hour shifts.

    In other news, the County’s waste transfer station is on track to open May 20.  The County has hired Lawrence Archuleta full-time and Jessica Mead part-time to work the facility.  They will begin the 18th and be ready for the onslaught of waste on the 20th.  Big note here; this is a cash only service.

    There will be two more public meetings to get input on the county comprehensive plan and land use code.  They will be at the Huerfano County Community Center on Friday, May 15 from 4 pm to 7 pm and Saturday, May 16 from 9am to 3pm.  The commissioners would like to get as much public input as they can.

    The commissioners are also looking for a gravel pit.  If you’ve got one lying around and not using it, please give them a call.

    Finally, due to declining attendence and no new topics to discuss, the CCT group has decided to hold their meetings on an “as needed” basis from now on.

Huerfano Fire in tumult

Flurry of resignations, including chief and two board members, follow April’s apparently contentious meeting of the board WALSENBURG — The recent tumult at the Huerfano

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