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My Mother’s Kitchen – Rebecca Griego’s Wienie Soup

by Yvonne Griego

My mother in law, Rebecca Griego was the mother of 10 children, four boys and six girls.  She was most importantly the grandmother of nine grandchildren and two great-grand children.

My fondest memories of family gatherings is when all the women gather in the kitchen and try to decide “What’s for dinner?” that oohhh so famous question that of course begins a slew of ideas.  Everything from tacos, to sloppy joes, from enchiladas to spaghetti, the list goes on and on.  No matter what we chose it was the very best because of Mom’s special recipes.  Mom always insisted on overseeing our dinner endeavors to insure that everything was done just right.  Of course we all know that there is nothing better than Mom’s cooking.  It just never comes out exactly right, but we all certainly do our best to imitate them as best we can.

Mom made a point of passing on a little of all her recipes to us all including all those secret ingredients we swore never to give away to strangers.  We have almost mastered our own individual parts of her recipes, which make every family get together special in its own way.  As time goes on we will continue the tradition and pass on those very same recipes to our daughters, granddaughters and daughter –in- laws to insure that the legendary recipes mom taught us live on forever and ever.

Mom’s Wienie Soup

• 8 pack of hotdogs sliced

• 6/7 medium sized potatoes peeled and sliced

Bring large pot of water to a boil.  Add potatoes.  Cook until tender.  Add sliced hotdogs.  Let boil until hotdogs are plump.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

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