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Letters to Santa, 2008

Gardner Elementary School, from the first

and second grade

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good girl. How are your reindeer?  Is Mrs. Santa alright?  How is the weather in the North Pole?   I hope you bring me a bindaroos and please bring me a big toy horse that looks like it’s real.  I would like some tights please.  Thank you Santa, I hope you have a good time.


Camila Espinosa-Short

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer?  My favorite is Rudolph.  Would you please bring me some dominoes, guitar and a white board like Ms. Cathy’s.

Love, Sonni Hunt

Dear Santa,

Could I come to the North Pole?  I live in Gardner.   Santa, when you come to Gardner You have to pick up my mama, too.  Santa, I would like to ride the sleigh all by myself.  Please bring me a Megatron Transformer.


Johnny Jacob D’Ambrosia

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer?  Can you bring me the motorcycle I saw at Sam’s Club.  I want a guitar. Can you bring me a B.B. gun and a cap gun.  Please, Santa, Please can you try to give my family the best Christmas ever.

Love, James Gilbert Perrino

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer?  Do they ever catch a cold?   I hope for a Christmas.  Can you bring me a Nintendo DS?

Love, Seven Wilson

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph?   Is he fine? Santa, I want a Wii.   I would like a gray one. I hope you are fine, too.

Love, Eliciana Vialpando

Dear Santa,

How are your elves and your reindeer and your friends?  I bought a new pink 4 wheeler.  I ride it all the time.  My cousins are coming up.  Please bring me a Bratz doll and skates.

Thank You.

Love, Lily Harmes

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer doing?  Can you please get me a book and a laptop and a high school musical CD.

Thank You, Shaelynn Valerio

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer?  I bet they’re good.  Santa, I would like a Hannah Montana guitar with a doll.

Love, Emalee Ortibez

Dear Santa,

How are your elves?  Are they good little guys and gals?  I want a Bratz World House.

Thank You.

Love, Hannah Cordova

Dear Santa,

What kind of tools do the elves use?  Santa, last year my mom and dad bought me a bike.  I will tell you the story.  I got the bike then I wrecked it.  Then I noticed my brakes were broke. So now I have no bike to ride.  So can you give me a bike, please.  I promise to try my best not to wreck it.

Love, Shanoah Trujillo

P.S. Would you give me a Gameboy and a note pad with crayons.

Dear Santa,

Is it cold at the North Pole.  I have been good but my brother needs some coal.  My sister has been hurting us and deserves coal too.  I know she is only 4 years old but she has a big punch.  I would like guitar, not a practice guitar but a real electric guitar.  I would like an amp too.


Jeremiah James Perrino

Peakview School –

1st Grade

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a three wheeler and more laptops please, and my mom wants make-up. I love you Santa.

From Christopher McKenna

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want the best Christmas ever, and I want for Christmas is a PSP. I want a bell from a reindeer and a bell for Mrs. Martinez. Feliz Navidad and I love you Santa.

Miliano Cruz

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a Batman toys. I want for my sister is off of the reindeer bell. Feliz Navidad!

David Tenoria

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a Bratz doll, please. For my sister she wants a little car. My mom wants a book. For my dad, he wants a car. Merry Christmas. I love Santa!

Anabel Lopez

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a computer. I want a toy horse. For my brother, he wants a Batman toy. I love you Grandma. I love you Grandpa.

Merry Christmas.

Love, Angel Bernal

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a computer and a bell frm your reindeer, please and thank you. And let Ms. Martinez get to see you and give her a bell too from the reindeer. And give Brittany a claculator, and give my mom a dolphin, and help my dad find jobs for him, and give Lea an X-box 360, and give Shantell some make-up, and give Louis a phone that gets a signal. Feliz Navidad!

Castillo Montoya

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want Sponge Bob movies. For my brother he wants some football and basketball cards. Feliz Navidad!

Love, Joziah Sandoval

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a toy computer and new paper and my mom wants a book that about moms and daughters. I love you Santa.

Raynessa Leai

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want an Wii please. The next thing I want a PSP please. For my mom, she wants a new wipers for her truck. Merry Christmas!

Eric Diaz

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a new motorcycle, and I want a ride in your sleigh. And for my brother, he wants a game boy. Thank you, Santa!

Love, Wesly Van Matre

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a lot of Legos, please. For my dad, he wants lots of tools. My mom want some diamonds. I love Santa.

Kaleb Andreatta

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a fish, I want a bed, I want a computer. For my brother, I want a new bed. Merry Christmas!

Trinity Cordova

Peakview School – 3rd Grade – Mrs. Wilkins Class

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? Are the elves working hard? This is the main question I want answered: Where in the world do you get the supplies you need to make toys? Oh, and how rich are you? You must be pretty rich to give away ALL those toys. Oh, I know you live at the North Pole. Since taxes are low there, so you must have more money than the government of the United States! Now enough chitchat…let’s get down to business. This year I only want five things. The first wish is really four things. I want the four biggest Nerf guns. The last wish is for peace and joy for the world.

Sincerely, Evan Ksander

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? How is the North pole? I am eight years old. My mom is 30 and my dad is 33 years old. I am doing well in school. Make sure you check your list. I want five things. One thing is a Call of Duty 3 game. It is for Playstation. Can I have an Ironclad toy and a Playstation 3 and some games for it? Santa, can you get something for my parents? I will tell you what they want. My mom wants my stuffed animal. Can you get her another one? Can you get my dad some Bronco jerseys? Can you get my mom some Raider jerseys?

Your friend, Fabian Espinoza

Dear Santa,

Hi, how are you doing? My name is Veana and my favorite color is blue. What is your favorite color? I live in Walsenburg, Colorado with my Grandma on 7th Street. Do you know where I live? How are the reindeer doing? Well, I hope they are doing well. By the way do they only fly on Christmas Eve? I would like to ask Mrs. Claus how to cook peanut butter cookies, do I can leave you a plate of peanut butter cookies. I would like a Mickey Mourse or Minnie Mouse. I would also like a blue blike. I have been doing well in my Peakview School. I broke my arm, but I am trying to get my work all finished. Even with my broken arm, I still vacuum and help out at home. I sweep and clean too. Can you help me out and get my mom a special piece of jewelry?

Sincerely, Veanadoshnea Siam Ortega-Ault

Dear Santa,

I was just going toask, how is Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus and how are the rest of the reindeer? I am really excited about Christmas. I can’t wait for the presents. I want a horse real, real bad. If you can bring one, my dad wants a new gun. My mom wants a new ring. My grandma wants a bigger TV. One more thing, my Grandpa Charlie wants everyone to be happy and for there to be no more fighting in my family.

Sincerely, Adriana Garcia

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? How are the elves? My favorite colors are pink and purple. Can I have a toy puppy? Do you know wher I live? I live on Walsen Avenue. What is your favorite color? Can you get my mom something? Can you get Brooke silver nail polish?

 I am in the 3rd grade.

Sincerely, Sierra Ferren

Dear Sant,

How are your elves? Do you have an elf named Willie? I want to know how your reindeer are doing. For Christmas I wan a Wii and I would also like a PS3. Also say hi to Mrs. Claus. One more thing about me, I like video games.

Sincerely, Chris Martinez

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph? Is he ready for Christmas? How are the other reindeer? My eyes are blue, and my hair is brown. I am in the thrid grade. My favorite color is red. Can you bring a Nintendo Wii for my brother? My dad would like some tools. My mom wants some make-up. Thank you, Santa! One more thing, can you get me a Niintendo DS?


Rachelle Andreatta

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph, Mrs. Claus, the reindder, the elves and the North Pole? I was wondering if I could have a bike for Christmas? Could you get my mom and dad a maid, please? I would also like an I-pod. I’m 8 years old. I went to Ohio for Thanksgiving. It was fun. I would like one more thing. I would like to see my dad for Christmas too. So, how are you? I will put out as many cookies as you want.

Love, Isabel

Dear Santa,

How are you and your reindeer doing? Do you have an elf named Sam? For Christmas I want a PSP, a Wii and a flat sscreen TV for my mom. I wish the wars would end. By the way, I like to play the Wii and I like to play outside. I hope the people can stop getting sick and passing it on to other people. Why do people want war? I hope everyone stays safe. Oh, how many elves are there?

Sincerely, Matthew Knight

Dear Santa,

How are the reinideer? How is Blitzen? He is my FAVORITE reindeer! Can you make sure my Uncle Brett is ok in Iraq? My name is Sonia, and I am 9 years old. My birthday is July 14th. For Christmas I want Converse high-tops. How are the other reindeer? Is Rudolph still the head of the team? Can you get a nice present for my new baby cousin, Eden Basquez and for Gabriel Basquez, and Aunty Lisa Basquez? Please get nice presents for my mom, Nina, and Nana. Also please get something nice for my Grandpa Tino?

Sincerely, Sonia Vallejos

Dear Santa,

How many elves are there? How old are you? I am very healthy. I like Football. I would really like  a PSP. My Grandma Elsie wants a mother’s ring. Are there a lot of reindeer? I also want a Playstation3. How is Mrs. Claus? My favorite color is red. What’s your favorite football team? My favorite football teams are the Patriots and the Saints!


Malachi Neil

Dear Santa,

Santa, what is it like to be you? Is it cold in the North Pole? Well anyway, I would love a PSP and a rat. I have brown eyes and brown hair. Please take care of the reindeer. No matter what, Rudolph is the best reindeer in the world. You are the best man in the world, Santa. By the way, I like mac and cheese.

Love, Amber Galassini

P.s: Are you real?

Dear Santa,

How are you doing in the North Pole/ How many elves do you have? How old are you? For this Christmas I want a new bike that are the colors blue, black and white. Can you get my Mom some new scrubs and hoodies? Will you get Lester a new winter jacket and a stocking cap and winter gloves? For christmas, I want a new snow shovel. I am 9 years old, I live in Walssenburg, Colorado. Have you ever been to Honolulu in Hawaii?

Sincerely, Keenan

Dear Santa,

Hi! Are elves midgets? How is the North Pole? Is it sunny? I want a puppy for Christmas. My favorite color is red. Will you get a gift for Grandma and for me? Thank you. do the reindeer only fly on Christmas eve? Thank you. Merry Christmas, Santa.

Sincerely, Caitlynn Pino

Peakview Schoow – 2nd Grade – Mrs. Myers Class

Dear Santa, How are the reindeers and Mrs. Claus? I have been a good girl, but I have been a bad girl. Could you forgive me? I would like a D.S. Some Aquasaurs, a big doll head that you could do her hair, also I’d like D.S. games, and a La Veta shirt that says my sister’s #. I’d also like a cellphone.

Love, Kaylee Corsentino

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I have been a good boy. I would like a DS. I would also like a laptop. I would like a Wii home.

Merry Christmas, your friend, Dillon Maddox

Dear Santa,

How cold is it at the north pole? I have been a good girl. I would like a PSP. I would like an X-box 360. I also would like a bunk bed. I would like black Nike’s. I would like an I-pod. I would like a pool.

Your friend,

Dalyiah Cordova

Dear Santa,

How are you? I have been bad.  I would like an I-pod, and an X-box 360 game, Geal of war 2, and a diamond necklace for my mom, and a emc phne on, and Denver Bronco shirt signed by all the players.

Your friend, Julian Vigil

Dear Santa,

How is everybody? Well, all I know is I have been a good girl. The things I would really like are a env cellphone. One of the most cool things I would like is a  laptop and a glitter nail lava thing, and some fake nails to glue on. I hope I get one of these things.

Kaitlyn  Lasley

Dear Santa,

Is you job hard, Santa? I’ve been an ok girl. I would like to have Glitter lava, next I would like to have is D-Rex. The next thing I would want to have  is Heelies and my favoriet of all is a generbread man house. Next I would like is Freaky Family Illusiona dn finally I would like an X-box 360.Your friend,

Tabitha Andreatta

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? Santa, I’ve been a very good boy. I would like a lava lamp and I would like a skateboard, and I would like Heelies.Your friend, Nerrica Ortiz

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer doing?  I have been a bad girl and a good girl too. I would like a D.S and a doll, and a laptop and I would like a frog massager too.

Grace Hine

Dear Santa,

How have you been? What’s the weather like? I have been a good girl for the month and this is what I would like. I would like Heelies and a Wii and an elf and an X- box 360, and a  laptop and a  bokwagon and a  glitter lana,  and a game of rock band and a game of Monoploy, and a Trac phone, and a movie of Wall-E.

Your friend, Desirae Pino

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeers and Mrs. Claus? I have been a very good girl. I would like a laptop and a diamond ring, and a cellphone, an I-pod that you use a painter, and a queen size bed, a basketball hoop, and some Glitter lana, and heelies and colorful Nike’s, and a Wii, and a DS.

       Your friend, Silby Cruz

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus and the elves? I have  been a good boy. I  would like a PSP for Christmas, please and a laptop. How are the reindeer? I would like a playstatiion3, and a Denver Nuggets basketball, and a bokwagon toy and a lava lamp, and an X-box 360.

Sincerely, Byron Brown

Dear Santa,

How have the elves been doing? I have been a good and bad boy. I would like a nutcracker army, and an Iron man. This is the last thing I would want to have a drum set.

Your friend, Chay Sporleder

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeers doing? I have been an ok boy. I would like a air hogs harick hain lazer battle set. Next, I would like a Nintendo DS. The third thing I would like, a Goosebumps horrorland game. The fourth thing I would like is a new pair of shoes. The last thing I would like is a dog.

Christopher Ortiz. jr.

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus, is she feeling good? I hope I was a very good boy this year. I would like a PSP for Christmas. Next I would like a laptop.

Your friend, Erminio Neil

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing. I’ve been a good boy. And I would like a diamond ring for my mom. I would like Legos and a Nintendo Wii. I would also like Hulk Hands. And I would like a lava lamp for my dad. I would also like a trampoline too.

Your friend, Ty Quintana

Dear Santa,

How are your elves doing? How are you doing Santa Claus? I haveen been bad, but I would like a Wii and a PSP. I would like some clothes and playstation, and a Denver Nuggets basketball.

Your friend, Phillip Valdez

Dear Santa,

I’m good, how about you? I have been an ok boy. These are the things I want for Christmas. Bendaroos, laptop, Bokwagon, warriors game for PSP, Heelies, God of War for PSP, GI Joes, Dragon Wars movie, Spike the Dinosaur, Sorry Sliders, Goosebumps game, Evel Dead, Evil Dead game, Brain scan, Pet Semetary 2, Rock Band, Dark Mirror for PSP, Iron Man, and a trampoline.

Your friend, Nikko Vallejos

 Peakview School – 2nd Grade – Ms. Philpy Class

Dear Santa Claus,

Would you please give me a big Barbie house and a puppy that stays small. How is Rudolph doing in the North Pole? When it is Christmas, you have a holly jolly Christmas, and please get me these things.

Your friend, Reanna Quintanna-Cruz

Dear Santa Claus,

How do you put the Christmas presents under the tree? May I please have a laptop?

Love, Antoinette Rodrigquez

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you? I would like a four-wheeler for Christmas.

Your friend, Gilbert Montoya

Dear Santa,

Would you please bring me an X-box 360 and a pair of my own heely’s and a bike so I can have fun? Santa please bring my sisters and my brothers andme a good Christmas.

Love, Harlee Bernal

Mr. C,

I will be a good boy. First, I want a PS and Guitar Hero Nerf. Next, I want to see Rudolph. Last, I wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

From, Nick Griego

Dear Santa Claus,

May I please have a Nintendo DS game and a Wii game and an I-pod. Merry Christmas Santa and thank you for the tools.

Love, Shelby Lessar

Dear Sant Claus,

Will you please bring me a black D.S. and the new Holiday Hannah Montana doll that sings and a chew toy for Rossco my new puppy.

Love, Jazmyne

Dear reindeers,

May I have the cooking D.S games? Reindeers are special! So long and thank you!

Love, Autumn Woods

Dear Santa,

May I please have an electric tuitar for Christmas?

Your friend, Michael Poarch

Dear Mrs. Claus,

I hope you have a good Christmas and Santa, too. May I have a lime green computer and a guitar? I want you to have a good Christmas!

Love, Danae Ortiz

Dear Mr. Claus,

I would like the game Smackdown vs Raw 2009 fehring ECW and tri bot and a Lego Indiana Jones movie play set and Indiana Jones race to Acator playset.

Your friend, Kyle T. Gomez

Dear Santa Claus,

Would you please give me a computer, and a PSP with some games.

Merry Christmas, bye, Akash Patel

Dear Santa,

For Christmas may I have an X-box 360 and a Wii and a PSP and a PS3 and D5 and a game boy and a fake shot gun, and games with all the stations.

Love, Daniel Martinez

Dear Santa Claus,

May I please have a PSP so I can listen to music and watch tv. Santa, would you please give me a laptop so I can play games. Santa, would you please give me a camera.

Love, Amanda Bobian

Dear Mr. Grinch,

You were “great” when you stole Christmas, it was awesome. I like it when you pulled your sleigh.

Your friend, Gato DaVinvi Montez

Dear Santa Claus,

Santa would you please give me a PSP? I would like one so would you please give me one.

Merry Christmas, Derick Tenorio

Dear Mr. Grinch,

How are you doing? My mom and I like your cartoon very much, and I like the dog in your cartoon, and I like th part when you are nice, and I like it when you stole Christmas, and  all I wanted was to say hi.

Love, your friend, Blaize Sims

Dear Santa,

May I have an X-box 360 and a PSP and a Wii and a playstation3 and some games, grand theft auto, snowboarding racing, and boxing.

Your friend, Isaac Helms

Dear Mr. Grinch,

How do you get the toys on your sleigh so the kids don’t catch you?

Your friend, Isaac Helms

Peakview School –

3rd Grade –

Mrs. Remmert Class

Dear Santa,

There are three things I want for Christmas. First of all, I would like a doll. I want a doll because I love dolls. Next, I want a scooter. I would like a scooter so I can ride it next year. Finally, I want a basketball. I want a basketball so my friends and I could play.

Sincerely, Dezaray Dominguez

Dear Santa,

There are three things for Christmas. I would like an I-pod. Also, I would like an I-dog. Next, I would like a bike. Also, I would

like a laptop.


I would like my family to be happy for Christmas.

Sincerely, Monica Bellah

Dear Santa,

I hope I get what I want. I want my family to stop fighting and have the best Christmas ever. First of all, I want to have some PSP games. The reason I want some PSP games is because I’m getting a PSP. I want “Crash Banducoop Mind Over Mutant” because it seems awesome. Next, I want heelys because I want to grind. I want a ripstick because I want a great skateboard. Finally, I hope I get headphones with my PSP games. So I really hope that Kyle and I have the very best Christmas ever.


Rojelio Shane Reyna

Dear Santa,

I would love to go to the North Pole. Love to! I have a question, so listen up! What are the reindeers names? I cvan never remember! But I do remember Dancer, Cupid, Blitzen, Comet and Rudolph. I hope you see my house. I hear its supposed to be foggy on Christmas. But yet you do have Rudolph. He could help!

Your frriend,

Nanch Sheldon

Dear Santa,

I want one PSP and two games for it. One of the games is called Grand theft auto liberty City Stories, and another is Indianan Jones the original adventures. That is

all I want Santa.

Sincerely, Cross Gonzales

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Lego-City and Pixos, but send these to my Dad’s. I hope I get both of these things. I’ve been very good this year. I have helped kids in my class. Those are presents I want for Christmas. Thank you!

Sincerely, Kyle Starling

Dear Santa,

This year I want a PSP, PS3 and a lot of books, a Christmas CD and the Pokeman game for the Wii.

Love, Joseph Aguirre

Dear Santa,

There are three things I want for Christmas. First of all, I want an X-box 360. You can play a lot of fun video games on it. Next, I want an I-dog. You can listen to music on it. Finally, I want an I-pod too. It plays music from your I-pod. Clearly I want several things for Christmas, and I hope I get them.

Sincerely, Olivia Krinsky

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a digital camera. I could take pictures wherever I go. If I see a strange animal or flower, I could take a photo. It will keep me outside and busy on my way.


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