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Seen and Heard for Nov. 13, 2008

Diane Broce welcomed us to her beautiful mountain home in Cuchara as she hosted PEO Chapter BZ meeting on November 3rd. She also served the refreshments.  Ann Taylor′s program was a Constitutional Quiz on a study of P.E.O. Constitution and Colorado State By Laws.  Sara Harding won the prize for the most correct answers.  Other members attending were: Janet Holford, Betty Elwell, Emily McWillis, Debra Malone, LaClaire Skaggs, Carolyn Newman, Gretchen Orr, Joann Seiling, Ann Levy, Velma Spinner, Laurie Cain, Peggy Meyer, Michelle Gilchrist, Mary Jean Fowler, Sherry Freese, Sandra Eddy and Betty Brau.   

AARP members met on Nov. 3, at the Senior Center. After lunch, President Louise Passarelli called the meeting to order. Secretary Monica Bustos read the minutes of the previous meeting.  Helen Cruz, Protem Treasurer, gave the report.  Beulah Read will be moving to Colorado Springs.  There were two birthdays, Helen Cruz and Mary Andreatta.

    The 2009 officers were elected.  Louise Passarelli will be serving as president: senior vice president will be Mary Andreatta, and treasurer, Helen Cruz.  The 2009 secretary will be Monica Bustos.  Installation of officers will be on Jan. 5.

    The Christmas party will be held at the Walsenburg Golf Club House, on Dec. 1 at 4:30 pm.  Members should call Louise Passarelli at 738-1060 or Monica Bustos at 738-2102 for reservations before Nov. 26.

    Stella Martinez won the door prize, that was brought by Susan Pineda. Members present were: Louise Passarelli, Monica Bustos, Susan Pineda, Mary Andreatta, Doris Andreatta, Stella Martinez, Margaret Crump, Helen Cruz and Ray Bustos.

American Legion Auxillary #16 met at Mazzone Hall on Oct. 27.  Before the meeting started, a light dinner was enjoyed.  The Drist President Marylou Certa and Dept. President Pat Stanko were visitors.  Members present were: Ethel Campagnola, Margaret Gleisberg, Betty Dasko, Norma Lou Murr, and Mary Andreatta.

    Tifany Meadows gave a very good report, and enjoyed her Girls State trip. Her grandmother Mary Andreatta, mother Elisha Meadows, and sister Kayla Andreatta were present also.

    The Drist President went over all the reports we have to send in April.  President Margaret opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag, and prayer was said by Chaplain Ethel.

    The lap throws will be given to the veterans next month (December).  With no other business, the meeting was closed with prayer.  The next meeting will be Dec. 24, 2008 at 6 pm.


Part of the What Do You Know About That series SPAIN —  For much of our human history, we’ve been doing our best to bash

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