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County approves another wind test site

by Larry Patrick

WALSENBURG- The Huerfano County Commissioners membership is staying the same with the re-election of Democrat, Scott King and Republican, Roger Cain. The two agreed with Commissioner Art Bobian in approving another wind farm application for a test tower on Wednesday. This application is from E.ON  Climate and Renewables. They want to put a 262 foot tower, requiring lighting, on Cordova Mesa, east of Walsenburg. Commissioner Scott King stated that Excel and Tri-State have already purchased 50% of the required power from other companies to be available by 2010 in the state. He wondered how all of these wind farm companies expected to make money. The Commissioners were told that the wind farm companies expect that exporting of wind energy may be a coming thing that would allow these wind farms to be profitable, if built. Right now it is a very speculative industry according to the spokesman for E.ON Climate and Renewables.

   The vote on the 1% sales tax to fund dispatch was closer than many expected it might be. Because of the defeat of the measure however, a $128,000 grant that was tied to the measure passing, may now go by the wayside. Administrator, John Galusha told the Commissioners that he will write DOLA (Department of Local Affairs) a letter informing them how the County perceives funding dispatch to see if they will still give monies for the project. The grant was to help pay for emergency communication equipment.


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