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Trustee Manzanares resigns, board focuses on 2015 budget

LA VETA — Although the La Veta Town Board and staff have put extra hours into preparing the 2015 town budget, there was little attention paid by the public. Prior to the regular meeting on Tuesday night, the board held a public hearing on next year’s budget. Only two citizens attended that session and the board received no comments from the public. The only item under Old Business was the afore mentioned hearing, thus the board moved right into New Business. Topping that list was the resignation of trustee Cathy Manzanares, who is relocating to Denver. Mayor Doug Brgoch informed the board they had 60 days to fill Manzanares’ seat. Next, under new business were four budget related resolutions. Resolution #16-14-Summarizing Expenditures & Revenue passed unanimously, as did the following: Resolution #17-14-Appropriating Sums of Money, Resolution#18-14-Set Mill Levy, and resolution#19-14-Funds held in reserve – TABOR. The last item under new business was Emergency Ordinance #280, which sets the salaries of certain town

employees. Those positions include: the Town Clerk/Treasurer, the Town Attorney, the Municipal Judge, and the Municipal Court Clerk. Apparently this ordinance had to be passed as an “emergency” because it was discovered that no such action had taken place since 1983. State law requires these salaries be set under ordinance any time the salaries change. The code enforcement Report reveals there are 11 cases pending mainly from violations in November, with some dating back to October. Most of the violation pertain to junk vehicles with expired plates. Other cases range from uncut weeds to homes/buildings in disrepair and properties containing junk, trash, and debris. La Veta Marshal Harold Willburn submitted to the board a new Marshal Monthly Activity Report. The report covers everything from the number of total calls, traffic stops, warnings, citations and arrests. The report also breaks several categories into sub-categories providing the board with a more in-depth understanding of the Marshal’s activities. This current report covers (by month) the four months from August to November since Willburn was hired as Marshal.