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Starry Skies for Mar. 05, 2009

By Jaye Sudar

    March 10th is a full moon in Virgo.  It is a time for healing your mind and body.  The thought that “If it is to be, then it is up to me” encapsulates the planetary messages to take charge of your health.  With springtime right around the corner, we can be more active.  Take a walk, get a massage, plan a day off work.  Take a mental break with laughter, a good movie or a new book.  As the fresh veggies arrive, plan dishes to tickle your taste buds.  Delight your palate with healthy choices.

    Look around your environment for opportunities to nurture and heal some of life′s ills with a kind word, volunteering or working together to improve the neighborhood.  Getting a hand up can be just as important to getting something done, as having the mindset that it can be done.  Lend a healing hand.