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Starry Skies for Dec. 25, 2008

By Jaye Sudar

    The new moon in Capricorn on December 27th provides the energy to climb heights into the New Year.  Harness the organizational potential and work on your commitments. Capricorn′s influences are best used for drawing up that new budget, working on your schedule and getting your thoughts organized.

    Trash any fears with a good dose of common sense and a list of goals. Commit yourself to a different way of working.  Throw out those old habits that have gotten you nowhere. Get yourself ready for that New Year′s Resolution ahead of time and take a realistic approach.  Instead of trying to fix the planet, work on your own little corner.  Recycle, shop locally, plan a garden for spring, clean out your closet and donate unwanted items to a charity.  Use the next week or so to get yourself ready for 2009.