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Pine Haven is finished

by Carol Dunn

CUCHARA- According to Bob Northup’s report during the meeting of the Cucharas Sanitation and Water District (CSWD) on December 12, the Pine Haven project is officially finished.  Northup, General Manager, said the County has signed off on the roads, and the final statements have been received and are ready to pay.  Speaking about the construction crews, Chairman Leon Skaggs said, “Those guys really did an excellent job,” which drew nods of agreement from other Board members.  Northup added that the hydroseeding and mulching went well, being completed just before Thanksgiving.  “It snowed just after they finished,” he said.  CSWD staff also reseeded areas that didn’t sprout from a 2007 seeding.  The cleanup that is left to do includes mulching and chipping piles of branches and slash. 

    With Gerald Van Nort participating in the meeting via speaker phone, the District adopted its 2009 budget and passed four related resolutions which are required by statute.  According to the Board, the 2009 mill levies have decreased from 2008 levels.  The final assessment certified to the District by the County Assessor is $11,930,910.  To raise $96,569 for general operating expenses, the tax levy will be 8.094 mills.  To raise $264,227 for meeting all payments for bonds and interest, the levy will be 22.146 mills.  The Board amended its 2008 budget because spending on some of the Pine Haven subdivision work was made in 2008 instead of 2007.  The amendment is required to comply with Tabor requirements.  Sandy Hackbarth, who assisted with preparation of the budget, commented, “This is a very well run District.”

    The Board also adopted a resolution regarding retention of records with long-term administrative, fiscal and historical significance.

    The District has determined it is not obligated to comply with certain requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act because the District does not employ more than 15 people.  At present there are five full-time and two part-time employees.

    Northup also reported that bleeders are operating in order to protect shallow-buried water mains from freezing.  The County building inspector is expected to give final permit sign-off for the pole barn within a day or two.  A new flow meter at the wastewater plant has been installed as required by the State Health Department.  The staff is investigating placing a web cam in the area and broadcasting it on the District’s web site.

    At its next meeting, the District Board will be considering an amendment to District policy which would limit the use of District facilities, equipment, grounds and bill mailing services to organizations which promote the District’s purpose.

    The 2009 meetings will be held on the second Friday of each month except for April, when it will be held on the 9th.