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Obituary Leta Darlene Finley

Leta Darlene Finley was born in Missouri to Dale and Mary Hultz on August 9, 1948. Leta worked to help people her entire life, and dedicated her life to love and compassion. She passed away at age 67 on December 17, 2015 at St. Mary Corwin Hospital in Pueblo, CO. Leta was preceded in death by her beloved son, Thomas M. Bush, who passed away in 2010. Leta is survived by her three daughters, Shawna D. Rosenberg, Denise D. Bush, and Sonja I. Knowles; by grandchildren Desiree D. Rosenberg, Hayden T. Rosenberg, Cathrine D. Swope, and Tiffany N. Swope; by great-grandchild Anighya L. Roberts; and by sisters Shiela Kinney and Janet Dietrich. Leta was cremated. A memorial service will be held at the home of Shawna Rosenberg, 1079 US Hwy 85-87, #14, north of Walsenburg, on Tuesday, March 15 from 2 to 5 pm.