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Moontalk for April 3, 2008

New Moon in Aries:  April 6, 2008

by Kristen F. N.


    As with every dark moon phase we are given the chance to begin anew, but this is especially true with this month’s new moon because it begins the natural twelve-month cycle of the Zodiac.  Spring is in the air!  Seeds of thought planted now will not only have the chance to bloom during the full moon of April 2008, they have the chance to quietly grow all the way to March of 2009 where they may flower into something of great beauty.  This new moon is in the constellation of Aries, and the element is Fire.        

    Alchemy: Water (symbolic of our emotions) and Fire are not harmonic; extremes may occur emotionally.  The Fire of Aries is subconscious, innocent and joyful; its one desire and drive is to create something into form.  The archetype of Aries is The Warrior.  If this Fire is not able to create outward, it can turn inward and produce anger and dis-ease, so try to be aware of your fire during April’s new moon, and even on through the year.  If you are not able to be creative, do some physical activity, or exercise, and release the fire with your own sweat, and remember – hot springs always work wonders!