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Main on Main St for October 01, 2009

Another Celtic Fling Has Been Flung!    

By Gary Rollins

HUERFANO- It wasn’t that difficult to identify the tourists on La Veta’s Main Street this week.  I spotted all sorts of cars with out-of-state plates and found myself feeling fortunate that the Spanish Peaks International Celtic Music Festival is alive and prospering.  I feel proud of the efforts of Barbara Yule, who, along with her family and dozens of supportive musicians and friends, has created a weekend of entertainment that everyone has come to both expect and enjoy.

    What made this weekend remarkable were my visits with two families who reside in what is known as “Little Kansas” at the far end of the Huajatolla Valley.  They postpone their return to the Kansas until after the Celtic Festival ends.  Fact is, one of them mentioned the family was packed and ready to roll first thing Monday morning.

    Although I still find myself struggling with saying “Keltic” vs. “Celtic,” perhaps it will be easier for me next year.  If, when in the company of some of my hairy-legged sports pals, I blurted out something about the Boston Keltics, I know that would provoke any number of abusive wisecracks.

    Sunday’s service at St. Benedict Episcopal Church, of which I am so proud to be a member, included an all-Celtic celebration, complete with special music and – are you ready for this? – bagpipes!  Following the service was a delightful opportunity to dine on all sorts of Scottish and Irish baked goodies.  I sampled clotted cream and it was simply delightful.

    Some may ask:  What will Barbara Yule do with all of the profits from this year’s Celtic Festival, buy a new Mercedes?  Perish the thought.  This entire community should take pride in the realization that the festival profits will now go to the Spanish Peaks Alliance for Arts and Education – AKA The Alliance – and the funds will continue to work hard on our county’s behalf as the plans for renovating the Fox on the Rocks Theatre in Walsenburg move briskly along.

    The next time you see Barbara Yule, offer her a big hug.  She truly deserves it.