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Huerfano History- July, 2009

By Jaye Sudar

1920- Build Up The Roads That Are Needed The Most:  Opinion in the county was that the North-South roads (soon to become Hwys 160 & 85/87) needed to be graded and repaired in recognition of the importance of Walsenburg as a transportation hub.

1930- Dick Seeks to Bring Paper Pulp Factory to Walsenburg:  International Pulp & Paper Company is being courted to build a pulp factory in the area that would utilize the timber districts in the San Isabel Forest and Northern New Mexico forest districts.

1937- All Mine Operators Start Paying Coal Code′s Tax:  A 1% per ton tax will be levied on all coal sold from the mines by Code holders.  Non Code members will pay 19%. Stiff penalties for non compliance will be issued.

1942- Record Crowds Attend Huajatolla Park Opening: Over 800 cars and 4781 persons- the largest crowd in county history- attended the opening of the new park.  A special service flag was dedicated as the opening.

1949- Water Conflict Boils: Incomplete Analysis Puts the Issue on Ice:  High amounts of e-coli bacteria present in Martin Lake make it unsafe for swimming.  Ban issued and clean up discussed.

1956- Ann Novak Chosen ′56 Fiesta Queen:  A four way tie for the title of Fiesta Queen was finally settled.  Ann Novak, 19, of Walsenburg was chose to be the Queen at the Spanish Peaks Fiesta to be held in August.

1963- Bypass Opening Delayed By 10 days to Two Weeks:  Opening of the new I-25 bypass has been delayed due to paving complications.

1970- Modular Home Plant Possibility Here With Approval of $216,000 SBA Loan: Community Enterprises of Huerfano County has a grant available.  They hope that Hanover Modular Homes will take advantage of this economic opportunity and will move into the county.

1977- Businessmen Petition For More Police:  515 business members petitioned for four more policemen.  This was driven by an increase in vandalism in the community.

1984- Vets Officials Press For County Home Site: Veteran Service officer Ed. Joseph and eight members of the Huerfano County Delegation pressed the State Veterans Services for Walsenburg to be considered for the site of the next Veteran′s Nursing Home.

1991- Super!:  Huerfano RE-1 welcomes new Superintendent, Michael Hinnegan to the district.  Hinnegan, from Lake City states he is eager to get to work.

1998- Feria!  Cuchara Music Festival kicks off gala event on Friday.  James Garner to be the guest star. A month long festival of music and art is expected to thrill the county well into August.

2005- Power Line Draws Folk:  A meeting of the Huerfano County Commissioners drew a large audience at their meeting for the proposed power line from Oakdale Natural Gas five miles west of La Veta to the Arco Site on Sheep Mountain.  Fourteen people spoke at the meeting.