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Fire District asks for the deed

by Carol Dunn

LA VETA- Tuesday night, on behalf of the La Veta Fire Protection District, Mark Brunner told the La Veta Town Board that the LVFPD would like to get the deed to the Town property on which the District intends to build the new fire station.  With the deed in hand, the District will be able to move forward in seeking funding to build the new station, which will be located just north of the volleyball court, adjacent to the Community Center.  In previous meetings with the Fire District, the trustees already discussed making an in-kind donation of the property, valued at $180,000.  Such donations show local support and will give the District more credibility in its search for grants.  Brunner said the District has already set aside $125,000 toward building the station, and is adding $50,000 to that each year.  If no grant monies are forthcoming, Brunner said the District will have accumulated the money within five years to build the station.  In an agreement drafted by the District and presented to the Board, there is a clause that the land will revert back to the Town if the station is not built upon it at the end of five years.  The Board decided to refer the agreement to its attorney for review before taking action on the District’s request.

    Several of the Town’s leases expired on December 31.  The trustees set a meeting on January 7 to discuss the airport lease.  The railroad lease for space at Town Hall has also expired.  Jill Andreatta requested that her 3-year grazing lease on Town property be renewed.  The trustees voted to extend the existing lease until the Town makes a decision on a future lease.  Trustee Jessie Yarbrough said, “I’d like the Town to see what other options we might have to use the land.” Trustee Dale Davis told the Board that the previous issues with Andreatta’s lease have been resolved, including equipment and fuel tanks being stored on the land.  Andreatta assured the Board, “There won’t be any more issues.”

    The State has notified the Town that it needs to have an employee on staff who is licensed to operate the underground storage tanks at the airport.  The Board voted to have both maintenance employees attend training to receive their class A & B licenses .

    Mayor Mickey Schmidt said the new steel building at the water plant is almost complete.  “It looks good.  There’s lots of room,” he said.

    The Board approved a request by Mike and Jacky Christian to reduce the water rate to one EQR in their building at 220 S. Main St. because Nanda Ghan’s restaurant has moved out.

    There will be a community meeting on January 9 at 6 pm at the La Veta Community Center for a question and answer session with the Town Board about the golf course closure and any other pertinent issues.