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Feral cats have their day

by  Sharon Niederman
RATON —  No one really knows how many feral, or free living cats roam Raton.

A conservative guess is 200-300, but the number could actually be much higher.
A donor has come forward to address the issue of feral cat population through a one-day trap, neuter, and release program on June 1, 2023.

On that day, feral cats can be sterilized by Dr. Kristi Brown and vaccinated for rabies if brought to Raton Veterinary Hospital.
Cats will also receive an ear notch to indicate they have been neutered.

This clinic is being held strictly to serve feral cats, not house pets, emphasizes the veterinarian’s office. And Raton residency is required.

To participate in the clinic, please call Connie at 575-445-2691. Cats may be dropped off between 8-10 am June 1. While the hospital is currently out of traps, you may trap your own feral for the program. Please bring your own carrier.
The event is sponsored by the Raton Humane Society.

Help for dogs, too

The Raton Humane Society is sponsoring its 24th annual spray/neuter certificate sale on Sat., May 13, 2023 at Tractor Supply in Raton.

Providing a chance to save money, the certificate grants a substantial reduction in the cost of the procedure. With a certificate, the cost to spray or neuter a cat is $60; for dogs, depending on size, an $80 certificate saves $25-$75 each pet.
Cash or money order only.