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WALSENBURG— The Huerfano County Commissioners talked on Tuesday with Dale Lyons, who came to ask their assistance in applying for grants to refurbish the Raymond Aguirre Community Center in Gardner. The community center board wants to apply for funds from the Colorado Parks and Recreation District, but need to have the commissioners be the ‘manager’ for grant requests. Phase one of their vision is to build a sign (similar in look to the La Clinica sign across the street) to put at the center’s entrance. The artist who built the La Clinica sign, Jim Fowler, is on board to build a similar one for the center. Phase two of the board’s plan is to build a pavilion and picnic tables at the front of the center. The commissioners were open to the idea of being the agent for Parks and Rec grants, and noted they already had improvement plans in the works for the community center, and decided to combine their plans with the board’s, so the funds already allocated by the commissioners to do their planned work could be used as matching funds for the board’s designs. The commissioners’ two requests were that the community center sign say on it ‘Huerfano County’, and the pavilion be placed in such a way it could also be used by the adjacent horse arena.